Galerie A Tempera
The gallery’s history dates back to 1998, when it opened its first space at the Louvre des Antiquaires, followed by a second in 2002. Specializing in late 19th – mid-20th century paintings and works on paper, the gallery covered a period from 1880 to 1950, mainly French schools. Since 2021, Caroline Gros has opened a gallery in Montfort l’Amaury where she presents paintings and sculptures by contemporary artists. In particular, she manages the studio holdings of painters Pierre Coquet (1926-2021) and Françoise Juvin (1926-2010), originally from Lyon but living in Paris since the 1950s, who were part of the “Sanzistes” group, which included some fifteen painters including Jacques Truphémus, Jean Fusaro and André Cottavoz.
Contemporary artists such as Marc Tanguy, Amélie Le Grelle and sculptor Jane Norbury will be showcased at the Moderne Art Fair.